
Video: Top Gear takes an LFA for a spin

Old but still a very nice video about the LFA!

Infiniti confirms reveal of concept previewing new compact model

It's now also official. A concept previewing the new baby Infiniti (earlier post) is indeed going to be presented at the Geneva Motor Show (March 01).

“Infiniti is currently examining concepts for a luxury performance car that will fit below the current G Line. Like every Infiniti, it will be completely different to anything currently offered by our rivals.” So said Andy Palmer, Senior Vice President for Infiniti, at the opening of the Infiniti Centre Piccadilly in London during September 2010.

Development of NSX successor officially back on track

Honda president Takashi Ito announced today that the company will resume the development of the NSX successor (earlier post). So, now it's official that there will be a new NSX! Can we have it without batteries please?